Our client’s experiences speak for themselves and we couldn’t be more proud. Read what they are saying.
Migraines and Anxiety
“I suffered from migraine headaches and anxiety for about four years. I went to an allergist, nutritionist, and optometrist, to get a final diagnosis but no one could figure it out. My mom heard about BrainCore Neurofeedback over the summer and its claim to help with tension headaches and anxiety, so we decided to give it a try. After 10 sessions I started to notice my headaches weren’t as strong and I barely had any anxiety attacks. After 20 sessions, my mom noticed I was less stressed and didn’t complain of headaches anymore. As of today, I have not suffered from the intense tension migraines I used to experience or have major anxiety attacks. I feel like a new person, and am so grateful to Dr. Nancy and BrainCore Neurofeedback for giving me back a part of my life.”

B. Kelly
17 years old, senior high school

B. Kelly
17 years old, senior high school
“I suffered from migraine headaches and anxiety for about four years. I went to an allergist, nutritionist, and optometrist, to get a final diagnosis but no one could figure it out. My mom heard about BrainCore Neurofeedback over the summer and its claim to help with tension headaches and anxiety, so we decided to give it a try. After 10 sessions I started to notice my headaches weren’t as strong and I barely had any anxiety attacks. After 20 sessions, my mom noticed I was less stressed and didn’t complain of headaches anymore. As of today, I have not suffered from the intense tension migraines I used to experience or have major anxiety attacks. I feel like a new person, and am so grateful to Dr. Nancy and BrainCore Neurofeedback for giving me back a part of my life.”

20 years old, New Orleans
“I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 15 years old. I’ve experienced frequent auditory and visual hallucinations. The auditory hallucinations were most pervasive at night. I would regularly go spans of days without sleep because it was so loud. Upon my diagnosis I was prescribed Risperdal. The Risperdal worked to the degree that it suppressed my symptoms, but likewise it made me numb and joyless. So, due to my experiences with Risperdal I was eager to find a non- pharmaceutical solution to my problem, not just suppression. After about a week of BrainCore Neurofeedback, several of my friends noticed a change in my temperament and towards the end of week two I noticed profound changes. I still do experience some of the auditory symptoms, but they are brief and very far in between. Obviously, there isn’t a silver bullet that will resolve all issues, but now I can finally sleep. The incessant 24-48 hour long auditory hallucinations, which could happen up to twice a week, now only occur for 2-5 minutes one time maybe every third week or so. So needless to say, BrainCore Neurofeedback is highly effective. It helps restore normalcy to my life, and I no longer spend those nights trapped in my own head. From this normalcy I find an urge of ambition and ultimately control.”
Anxiety and Medication
“I originally came here because I needed help managing my anxiety. I noticed a difference in the first few sessions, but couldn’t tell you what. Now, as I’m at the end of my first group of sessions, I can’t even begin to tell what a difference this has made in my life. I’ve lost weight so I don’t need to take cholesterol medication anymore. My anxiety is almost completely gone which lowered my blood pressure so I’m now off those meds as well. All the side effects I was feeling from the medication- chronic cough, fatigue, etc. have gone away because I’m no longer taking those drugs. I think my doctor is going to cut me loose, but I don’t care. All these years of medication and after 30 sessions of Neurofeedback I’ve never felt better!”

Anxiety Solution
68 year old woman

Anxiety Solution
68 year old woman
“I originally came here because I needed help managing my anxiety. I noticed a difference in the first few sessions, but couldn’t tell you what. Now, as I’m at the end of my first group of sessions, I can’t even begin to tell what a difference this has made in my life. I’ve lost weight so I don’t need to take cholesterol medication anymore. My anxiety is almost completely gone which lowered my blood pressure so I’m now off those meds as well. All the side effects I was feeling from the medication- chronic cough, fatigue, etc. have gone away because I’m no longer taking those drugs. I think my doctor is going to cut me loose, but I don’t care. All these years of medication and after 30 sessions of Neurofeedback I’ve never felt better!”
Contour Light Weight Loss

69 years old, 2019
“A chance meeting with Dr. Nancy has changed my life for the better. At 69 years old, I’ve just completed two healthy courses under the supervision and encouragement with Dr. Nancy and her caring staff. In only weeks on Blueprint Nutrition and Contour Light, I was able to drop 2 dress sizes, which definitely exceeded my expectations. By following the step by step nutrition plan, you will experience increased energy, sleep better, and trim down your shape. All the necessary tools will be provided by Dr. Nancy for your successful journey toward a healthier you. The program also offers you a tip for a “quick fix” weight loss for a special occasion. I can tell you firsthand that it works! In just a short amount of time I lost 14 pounds and 12 ¾ inches! The Contour Light sessions are brief, relaxing, fun and most importantly successful. If you are interested in a new, slender shape, and optimum health, treat yourself to Dr. Nancy’s programs…the benefits will amaze you, your family, and friends will notice and you will feel wonderful.”
Apraxia of Speech
“As the mother of a child with apraxia of speech, a neurological speech disorder, and developmental delays, I am always in search of ways to improve her quality of life. Amanda is 10 years old and responded so well to BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy. My goals for her were to improve her attention, to help her sleep better, and hopes of her learning to read. She far exceeded all my expectations. The most remarkable improvement was in her speech and language. She began using words and phrases she had never even attempted before. She was able to learn spelling words and write them for a test which was a difficult task before BrainCore Neurofeedback. I chose to have Amanda treated with BrainCore Neurofeedback even though she would not allow a mapping, and I am so thrilled I did. Dr. Nancy and her team made Amanda feel comfortable, and she loved going to her sessions. BrainCore Neurofeedback has made a HUGE difference in Amanda’s life and our entire family.”

Tara M.

Tara M.
“As the mother of a child with apraxia of speech, a neurological speech disorder, and developmental delays, I am always in search of ways to improve her quality of life. Amanda is 10 years old and responded so well to BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy. My goals for her were to improve her attention, to help her sleep better, and hopes of her learning to read. She far exceeded all my expectations. The most remarkable improvement was in her speech and language. She began using words and phrases she had never even attempted before. She was able to learn spelling words and write them for a test which was a difficult task before BrainCore Neurofeedback. I chose to have Amanda treated with BrainCore Neurofeedback even though she would not allow a mapping, and I am so thrilled I did. Dr. Nancy and her team made Amanda feel comfortable, and she loved going to her sessions. BrainCore Neurofeedback has made a HUGE difference in Amanda’s life and our entire family.”
Learn more about what you’re battling:
Muscle Pain, Join Stiffness, or Lack of Mobility
Anxiety & Depression, ADHD, or Insomnia
Numbness, Muscle Weakness, or Nerve Pain
Weight Gain, Arthritis, or Migraines